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Webinar | 02.15.24

Personality Type & Your Career Journey

Curious about the way you navigate the world and interact with others? Ever wondered how two people with a common goal could approach the same project from two completely different angles? Get ready for an interactive session focused on decoding the mysteries behind your personality type, revealing how it can be a game-changer in your professional relationships and career exploration process. This session will increase your self-awareness around your preferences, providing insight into harnessing your individual strengths, navigating the “world of work,” and unlocking career paths aligned with your unique personality type.

In this session, you will...

- Increase understanding of your personality type
- Learn how to apply your personality type as a strength in the "world of work"
- Navigate career paths and professional development using your personality type

*It is strongly encouraged for participants to take the personality assessment prior to attending the webinar. There is a free

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